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The Red and the Black(Updated)
A Chronicle of the Nineteenth Century (The World's Classics)
von Catherine Slater, Roger Pearson
Paperback, 592 Seiten, Veröffentlicht 1991 von Oxford University Press
ISBN-13: 978-0-19-281715-0, ISBN: 0-19-281715-9

"The son of a carpenter, Julian Sorel is inspired by the writings of Napoleon to conquer the heights of society. His initial plan to work his way up through the church is, however, thwarted when he is forced to accept employment as a tutor--and this rash social entrepreneur certainly has not considered the dangers of falling in love. Stendhal's novel is an amusing and piquant study of hypocrisy and free will in post-Napoleonic France."

The Red and the Black(Updated)
A Chronicle of the Nineteenth Century (Oxford World's Classics)
von Catherine Slater, Roger Pearson, Catherine Slater Stendhal
Paperback, 592 Seiten, Veröffentlicht 1998 von Oxford University Press
ISBN-13: 978-0-19-283871-1, ISBN: 0-19-283871-7

"In this vigorous and fast-moving novel of post-Napoleonic France, Julien Sorel's plans to reach the higher echelons of society through the priesthood are defelected by his realization that the attainment of happiness is of greater consequence than the pursuit of ambition. Subtitled `A Chronicle of 1830', Stendhal's depiction of a nation of smug hypocrites scandalized contemporary readers, who recognized themselves or their peers and ..."

Marget Pow(Updated)
(Twentieth Century Scottish Womens Fiction)
von Catherine Ponton Slater, Jan Pilditch, Anne Mcmanus Scriven
Paperback, 224 Seiten, Veröffentlicht 2008 von Kennedy & Boyd
ISBN-13: 978-1-904999-59-1, ISBN: 1-904999-59-X

Lunatic Lovers of Language(Updated)
Imaginary Languages and Their Inventors
von Marina Yaguello, C. Slater
Hardcover, 256 Seiten, Veröffentlicht 1991 von Athlone Press
ISBN-13: 978-0-485-11303-7, ISBN: 0-485-11303-1

Alle Autoren

Catherine Slater

Roger Pearson

Catherine Slater Stendhal

Catherine Ponton Slater

Marina Yaguello

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